Zen Threads – this Saturday, September 6

September 3, 2014

Zen Threads – this Saturday, September 6

 Saturday morning’s meditation schedule will be a little different on the first Saturday of every month.
6:30 to 8:00 AM Three periods of meditation as before
8:00 AM Liz Cramer will give a brief talk (10-15 minutes) on her Vajrayana practice specifically Feeding Your Demons.    Discussion will follow, and we’ll close with our vows at 8:25 as usual.
Once our nomadic Dharma hall is packed away, all who are interested will go to Wooglins for breakfast and more conversation.
(And also as gentle reminders for this month…..)
Dharma Talks:
September 15 Sarah Bender, Sensei

September 22 Andrew Palmer, Sensei

Work in the Room:  September 20, Sarah Bender, Sensei (contact person to be announced)
 As we have 5 Monday’s this month…a special event –
WayFaring Mind Talk: September 29 Clay Taylor, Lay Teacher in the Soto tradition from Berkely Zen Center and Springs Mountain Sangha member.



Cultivating the Tao
Chuang Tzu:  The Inner Chapters
Andrew Palmer, Sensei

(Contact Andrew if you are interested as there are changes in process!)
Saturdays, 10:00-11:30, beginning September 13 at the Palmer Home (aka Shining Harbor Temple) 1007 W. Cuharras Street.
This will be less of a book study and more of an immersion into Chuang Tzu’s world, seeing what our lives are like when infused by his words and thoughts, stories and images.  We’ll meet for 5 consecutive Saturday mornings.  Reading material will be provided.  Fee is $10 per session.
For more information and to register, contact Andrew: alpsensei@gmail.com or 719.358-6882.