Image by John Harder
A note from Sarah Bender:
Dear Springs Mountain Sangha and friends,
It’s almost October, which sounds like itself, with two O’s sounding awe and Oh, and rhymes with over, last night’s freeze having finished off the tomato plants I forgot to cover and wilting the zinnia leaves. A woodpecker clings to the sunflower stalk and pecks away at the seeds hanging there for it, and the high pines hold their needles loosely against our vast Colorado sky, ready to drop some in the next wind. The cottonwood gold on blue that goes straight into the heart is a salve against losses—-the many losses and bewilderments of this time.
And we have each other in this time, a cohort of inquirers and lovers of Here, of being itself in all its mystery. There is so much our tradition offers us in the way of access to the deep wonder under all our angst. Beloved in the dark and in the light, we can remind ourselves, we can take another step. And we can be still, and find comfort in the very grief we find in our stillness, as we recognize it for what it is—-love in this time: the deep wish for all to be well, to be instruments of wholeness in a raggedy world.
The full moon will greet us at the door to October, and we will walk through. Please take advantage of the many opportunities to practice the Way together. We need each other.
Yours in the Dharma,
Friday, October 2: 6:30 PM Movie Night, Infinite Potential
Monday, October 5: 6:10 PM Sutra Service
Saturdays October 10, 17, 31 4-6PM Fall Koan Series, Sarah Bender, Roshi
Monday, October 12: 6:10 PM Community Night
Tuesday, October 13: No Ecodharma group
Monday, October 19: 6:10 PM, Dharma Talk, Sarah Bender, Roshi
Wednesday October 21- Sunday October 25 Fall Retreat
Saturday October 24 Refuge Ceremony
Monday, October 26: 6:10 PM Dharma Talk, Andrew Palmer, Sensei
Ongoing Meditation Schedule
Mondays: Meditation and evening starting at 6:10 PM
Wednesdays: Morning meditation 6:30-7:30 AM
Saturdays: Morning Meditation 6:30-8:00 AM, discussion 8-8:30 AM
Upcoming Events
October Retreat
Wednesday, October 21 through Sunday, October 25
Refuge Ceremony will be held on Saturday, October 24
Some words of encouragement about trying a retreat like this:
1. Dogshan’s advice “In the dark, darken again” is spot on! We haven’t done such a thing before, so we don’t have ideas about how it “supposed to” go, which means that it’s your retreat! We’ll hold the temple with and for each other, and within the welcoming space of our ritual and our meditation, you’ll find out what works for you, to delve deeply into the silence and stillness while taking care of the you who is doing this. You might move away from that screen sometimes, closer sometimes: sitting sometimes, moving sometimes. Resting, chanting, having tea when needed, etc….. There will be times for sutras and times for outdoor walking, times for teachings and times for conversation.
2. Dongshan also said, “Follow the bird path.” As clear as that, as spacious as that, as new as that, your retreat is a time of freedom for you.
3. Dongshan also said, “In the vastness, stretch out a hand.” Your open hand, your generosity makes a retreat possible for you and all the others. What a sweet thing to do for ourselves and our buddies!
Monday 5:00 Group Hiatus
We have had some remarkable conversations this summer, and it’s been amazing how well you all have sustained them through covid time and on zoom. Many thanks to our leaders, Frank and Clay and others, and to those who have lined them up, Kelly M and then Kelly and Susan Rogers.
Now seems like a good time to simplify a bit, as some are feeling their energy’s overextended and some noticing that Monday evenings begin to feel a bit too long on Zoom. So we’ve decided to begin a hiatus for the 5:00 discussions. If you find yourself missing them and want to request that they begin again in 2021, please let us know.
Meanwhile, please note: Saturday morning meditations are now including presentations and discussion during the last period, from 8 to 8:30,
Wednesday evening candle light meditation is just that, one period of meditation at 8:00, no conversation.
Saturday afternoon koan meditations are scheduled at 4 PM Mountain Time, October 10, 17 and 31 and November 7, 14 and 21.
Stay tuned also for a sutra study series that will begin in the new year.
Deep thanks for your participation and your practice!
Saturday afternoon koan meditation:
Please note dates are different than in the last newsletter: 4 PM Mountain Time, Saturdays, October 10, 17 and 31 and November 7, 14 and 21.
Candle Light Sit Wednesday Evenings
Wednesday Evenings in October at 8 PM
Wednesday evening candle light meditation is just that, one
Fall Koan Series
With Sarah Bender, Roshi
Saturdays, October 10, 17, 31, November 7, 14, 21 4-6 PM
Please note dates are different than in the last newsletter:
In these sessions we sit in meditation with a koan, let it permeate us thoroughly for a while, and then, together, see what appears. Sarah will provide some introduction, usually with a bit of background about the koan or the characters along the way. Together, we get to discover some of the many ways of being in relationship with a koan. Each one has its own character, and its own particular sorts of experience to evoke. A koan is about you and for you. It can light up parts of your experience that you didn’t even know existed.
Newcomer’s Orientation
Newcomer’s orientation will resume by request starting in October. This is a brief introduction to our meditation sessions and forms, which we pre-covid had offered on Community Night on the second Monday of the month. We have recently heard some additional interest in this Newcomer’s Orientation resuming as requested. Please contact Kelly McFarland at if you are interested in this orientation.
Ecodharma Group
There will be no meeting of the Ecodharma Group in October
Contact Debbie Stavish
One of the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s beloved signatures was her coded neck collars. Each seemed to not only signal her stance on issues, but also to give a nod to the fact she was a woman wearing a supreme court robe designed for a man. An appropriate jabot for this time is perhaps her dazzling dissenting jabot. Here’s what Ruth Ginsburg said about dissent : “Despair is not an option. Dissents speak to a future age. It’s not simply to say ‘my colleagues are wrong, and I would do it this way. The greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually over time their view becomes the dominant view; so that’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are not writing for today but for tomorrow.”
Ruth, whose name in Hebrew means “friend,” left us during the time of her tradition’s Rosh Hashanah
Sarah shares with us: “This morning a friend and I went down to the creek with bread and prayer, following (loosely) a Rosh Hashanah tradition, and talked about how we can let the rage flow through us like the river and channel that energy, so it doesn’t settle in our guts as hatred and make us (and others around us!) sick— so releasing hatred that could build up, and letting love from and for the earth wash out corrosive fear and shame so our vows can be what’s present and what powers our actions.”
Sarah also shared with us some insights Joan Sutherland recently offered in a Cloud Dragon Board meeting. From Sarah’s notes:
This time has a shattered quality, and we are aware that we are affected by unseen influences. People and parts of us that are especially vulnerable are most affected. It’s good to notice who is not quite holding it together, and see if you can help. Do the small things you can do, noticing when you lean towards hope or despair as an escape from the real. Shelter the vulnerable.
We hold through as best we can, bringing as much as we can across this time—how intact can we keep it?
Ecodhama leadership asks you:
~How are your vows helping you to remain present and empowered?
~What does your ecodharma jabot look like?
Ecodharma October:
Since it’s a very busy month, in lieu of a meeting, we are encouraging you to take pre-election action.
Here are some options to consider :
1. (
Everything you need to know about voting!
Debbie’s 18yo is totally jazzed to vote for the first time! And he’s sharing his zest with his friends
How about you and your family & friends? How can you create inspiration and action among your community?
From Sarah: is doing phone banking on Wed. afternoons at 4 PM (I can’t do that one) and on Sunday afternoons at 2:00. The guy who just called me was at 651 354 1839, but I’m sure you can sign up at their website. This is for calling environmental voters in key states. They provide zoom training and support.
3. Sierra Club- join in letter writing parties, host your own virtual party- tentative send date is October 20!
Please share with the group what you’re up to and contributing during these shattered times! Simply reply back to our group- let’s stay connected!
Movie Night – Infinite Potential
Movie Night: “Infinite Potential: The Life & Ideas of David Bohm”
Friday, October 2, 6:30 pm MST discussion
This film discussion will be led by Liz Cramer via **Zoom
It is a beautiful documentary on David Bohm, physicist.(Please click on *link below in order to access it before Sept 30 for free, and it’s possible that the link will go beyond Sept 30th- This from Tricycle:
Mystics have known about it for millennia. Modern science is catching up. The first to theorize about the Quantum Potential, a nonlocal field of being that “informs” everything in the universe, was a little-known scientist named David Bohm who possessed a rare and maverick intelligence.
Einstein called him his “spiritual son,” the Dalai Lama referred to Bohm as his “science guru.” Robert Oppenheimer was his thesis advisor and used some of Bohm’s equations to develop the atomic bomb.
But the scientific orthodoxy was threatened by Bohm’s radical ideas and his work was largely dismissed. Until now.
*Get your TICKET to this film that’s going viral:
2. (after Sept 30)
How do we do Movie Night? Watch before 6:30pm, Oct 2, at your leisure. Join together on **Zoom Oct 2 6:30pm MST to discuss the film (popcorn and tea optional).
Hope to see you for the discussion!
Refuge in the Way
In September, four SMS students accepted Sarah as their teacher. During this ceremony, that was offered live also via Zoom, Liz, who served as the liaison and a special part of this ceremony, took a few pictures with Debbie’s permission on behalf of all of all four students. Especially during the times of COVID- the process of taking refuge is still happening even during times that feel impossible; in the photo Roshi Sarah, seated underneath the arch of a grand Cottonwood tree, accepts her student’s gift in the ceremony of the two creating a student/teacher relationship –
Is anything missing from this moment?
All Sangha Meeting in November
In October after community night we will begin discussions in preparation for our November All Sangha meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow for you to share your thoughts on the direction of the sangha, where we are going, what is working and what could use some sprucing up. Additionally, at this meeting we approve the annual budget and elect new members of the steering committee. The proposed 2021 budget is available here so you can review it, and it will also be presented at the October community night. Please make arrangements to join us in zoom on Monday, October 12th for community night, if you can.
Garden Work Day at Creek Bend
• When: 1st week of November- day and time to be announced as we get closer
• Why: A wonderful way to give back to our outdoor Creek Bend Zendo and teacher, Sarah, who now solely teachers from Creek Bend
• What: Volunteering for our sangha is a great way to give back to our sangha and is considered dana in our tradition. Learn some new gardening techniques, be together and with the plants, enjoy some fresh outdoor air, get some sun
• How: COVID19 safety measures will ensure our safety
• Who: We hope you! There’s everything from tiny tasks to more physical
Please Contact Debbie for details; 719-209-2260
Work in the Room
Work in the Room by telephone or Zoom can be arranged with Andrew Palmer, Sensei at or with Sarah Bender, Roshi at Work in the Room is a close encounter of the sacred/ordinary kind—an encounter among you, a teacher, and the great matter that is most deeply real for you right now—and what clearly matters because it shows up in a conversation about the Way, whether, on the face of it, it seems sacred or ordinary. No special undertaking is required.
Recordings of Talks
Did you know that you can listen to previously recorded talks online? Sarah Bender, Roshi’s talks are available here. This link also includes talks she has given through Pacific Zen Institute. Andrew Palmer, Sensei’s talks are available here.
Newsletter Additions?
Do you have artwork, a poem or a volunteer story to share in our newsletter? If so, please send them to Kelly McFarland at
Many Arms of Guanyin
Wellness Committee
Our sangha’s wellness committee is headed by Linda Hodges, who updates the committee regularly on needs of particular members so that we can reach out to each other when needed!
If you could use a boost of any sort, or if you’d like to be available to respond when the need arises, please contact Linda at
Volunteer with SMS
Are you interested in volunteering to help with a specific project within the sangha? Do you have a particular skill or enthusiasm for something that might be helpful? Would you like to help out, but not sure how? SMS truly values and depends on the many efforts given freely by the sangha to the sanga. This is dana and is so much appreciated. If you have questions or want to help, please contact Kelly McFarland