Reminder – Please RSVP
and bring your family along, too!
SMS/WMS Gathering!
All are welcome as we gather with our Wet Mountain Sangha brothers and sisters for a time of community, conversation, music and laughter. Bring your potluck item, creek shoes, lawn chair, and any instrument you might have, and prepare to make new acquaintances and visit with long-time friends.
Date: Sunday July 16th
Time: 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Location: Creek Bend Zendo
7528 Jenkin Place, Colorado Springs
Vegetarian Alphabet Potluck
Please bring a vegetarian dish to share that corresponds with the first letter of your last name.
A-I = salad, appetizers
J-S = entrees, sides, veggies
T-Z = desserts
Please RSVP to Linda Hodges:
to give us a vague head count
(but if you find you can make it at the last minute,
please simply show up.)