December 28, 2014
Springs Mountain Sangha
As we transition seamlessly from 2014 to 2015 we are grateful for our teachers, our companions on the path and our practices. This is a gentle reminder of what is immediate.
Wayfaring Mind Talk
Monday, December 29 Jacque Minehart
We dearly value the opportunity to hear a member of SMS speak of her/his journey. We do this on the 5th Monday of a month. It is an intimate experience for us to listen and then explore each others wayfaring path…please come
We are offering Two Events On January 3rd
Zen Threads
January 3rd, Kent Hamblin will give the Zen Threads talk this month at 8:00 am following three periods of meditation. Discussion will follow, and we’ll close with our vows at 8:25, as usual.
Once our nomadic Dharma hall is packed away, all who are interested will go to Wooglins for breakfast and more conversation.
A Simple Sit
When: January 3, 2015
Time: 10:00-3:00
Where: The Woman’s Club at CC, 10 Mesa Road
Every so often, we gather together in community for a day, or part of a day, simply to sit in meditation together, our basic, transformational practice. It’s a “bare bones” retreat. Someone keeps time, and we sit in our regular rhythm, 25 min. of seated meditation, 5 min. of walking meditation. Lunch is brown bag, and we eat together in silence and have some break time, between noon and 1:00 pm. You are welcome to come for all or part of the day, and are invited to bring a short reading to share at the beginning of one of the meditation periods.
There is no fee for this; a dana bowl will be available to receive your contributions to the ongoing life of the sangha, with deep gratitude.
If you are interested in committing to an hour or more of leading the sitting and walking meditation please contact Liz Cramer @ This is an invitation to those who are not leaders at this time and would like to experience this practice.
And also beginning this first weekend of 2015….!
Winter Koan Series
When: Sundays, January 4,11,18, 25
Time: 3:00-5:00 pm
Where: Creek Bend Zendo
All are welcome! Suggested Donation $10
And not to forget our book study…!
Zen Mind Beginners Mind
by Shunryu Suzuki
a book study
When: January 2, 9,16, 23, 30
Time: 10 to 11:30 am
Where: Becky Myers, 2127 N. Nevada
Leader: All are welcome to attend – Please contact Clay Taylor @
Going on to this offering at the end of January….
Introduction to Zen Meditation
When: January 31
Time: 9:00 to noon
Where: TBD
Leaders: Mary Montoya and Frank Actis