Springs Mountain Sangha Online Meetings
February 12, 2022
Currently, all gatherings are being held online. We hope to expand to outdoor and hybrid gatherings at some point. When option appears, we will send out an email on our newsletter. Until then, see you in the Zoom Zendo!
We will continue to use the 2021 Zoom link from month to month. If there is a need to change it, we will send out an email.
To receive the links for SMS Zoom meetings , please email Kelly McFarland: S.Kelly.HLS@gmail.com
Other Open Source online meeting times can be found at this link:
Our Schedule: All times are Mountain Time
Monday, 6:00 to 8 PM Our usual Monday evening schedule: Meditation, talks, conversations, some chanting. Available on Zoom
Wednesday, 6:30 to 7:30 AM Meditation led by sangha members. You can attend all or come on board around 6:55. Time for conversation afterwards. Available on Zoom.
Saturday, 6:30 to 8:30 AM Like Wednesday, only longer. You can join during the 5 min. before any period, so 6:55, 7:25, 7:55. We have started to have a sangha member bring in a short “zen threads” type talk at the end of the third walking period (around 8:00) followed by group discussion. Available on Zoom.
Candlelight Meditation: Sundays 8:00 to 8:30pm: Everyone is welcome to light a candle and join us on Zoom. There’s no need to register, you can just hop on using the link below. Available on Zoom.
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 06:30 – 7:30 am: Join us on Zoom for a simple sit these morning. No need to turn on your camera, and feel free to join or leave at any time. Available on Zoom.
To access ZOOM Meditation and Classes for Springs Mountain Sangha please see Sangha email or look to the sidebar for the “Quick Links” for the link to join our mailing list.
For those on the phone,
you can mute or un-mute yourself by pressing *6
Hints on using ZOOM for our Meditation:
- A camera isn’t mandatory, or a computer with sound. It’s easy to use your cell phone: just download the Zoom app and type in the meeting number. That said, a computer/laptop with a camera and sound does make the best experience.
- Sometimes, getting the sound configured on your computer can take some time.
- At first, join 10-15 minutes beforehand so you have time to dial things in.If you want, here’s a link with information about joining Zoom.
- While this isn’t a business meeting, it does help to have some hints that will make the technology work easier:
- With larger groups, it works best if you mute yourself when not talking, and remember to un-mute yourself when you need to speak! Also, keeping your camera on keeps you more engaged and makes it easier for others to listen to you as well.
- Online, everyone singing at once (with slight, uneven delays) gets pretty ragged, so it’s best if you mute your microphone while singing chants as the leader sings. We won’t all hear each other, but we’ll hear the leader.
Thank you for your patience as we work and practice together in this new way! Any detailed questions, please ask Frank Actis: frank.actis@gmail.com For Zoom meeting links, please email Kelly McFarland: s.kelly.hls@gmail.com