Ongoing Events
Newcomer Orientation: 2nd Monday of the month, CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall upstairs at 5:45 pm to meet anyone who would like some orientation to meditation, to our tradition, or to our sangha and customs.
5:15 Dharma Study and Discussion before meditation: CANCELLED! Will resume when construction at Shove is complete. If you would like a short orientation please arrive before 5:50
Zen Threads: Saturday September 5th: Zen Threads will be given by Clay Taylor followed by a continuation of discussion at Wooglins Deli.
Dharma Talks:
September 21 Sarah Bender, Sensei
September 28 Andrew Palmer, SenseiWork in the Room (September 19th with Sarah Bender, sensei) CANCELLED! due to ongoing construction at Shove
Late Summer Practice Series
With Andrew Palmer Sensei
Cultivating the Tao: Tao Te Ching
Saturdays 10:00-Noon
Aug. 22, 29, Sept. 5, 19, 26
Buddhism and the 12 Steps
When: Wednesday evenings 7:00-8:30
Where: 417 Prairie Rd. CSC 80909 Parking on the side off St. Vrain and in front of house. For more information contact: Jacque Minehart
Looking Ahead…
Autumn Meditation Retreat
with Sarah Bender, Sensei
October 14-18
The Abbey at Canon City
Details will be forthcoming – for now, please save the date!
Fall Koan Series
Sunday afternoon koan exploration with Sarah Bender,
Sensei, 3:00 to 5:00 at the Creek Bend Zendo.
September 27
October 4 and 25
November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
A Multi-Sangha Potluck
Note a changed date to November 7th with the location being at the Creek Bend Zendo
Mark your calendars! All Springs and Pueblo Buddhist sanghas will be invited to get together to share a meal and get to know each other better—no other agenda.
We’ve never done this!
Author and Teacher
David Loy
On December 4th and 5th, Springs Mountain Sangha together with the Bodhi Mind center will be hosting David Loy. He is a renowned teacher in the field of Buddhist activism. He is the author of many books. Most recent are A New Buddhist Path: Enlightenment, Revolution and Ethics in the Modern World; and, Money, Sex, War and Karma. In addition to being a professor of ethics and religion at various universities, including the Naropa Institute, he is a Zen teacher in the lineage of Koun Yamada. There will be a public talk on Friday December 4th, and an all day workshop on Saturday December 5th.
In coordination with this, we will be conducting a
book discussion group on one of his works:
Money, Sex, War, Karma. This group will be held on Thursdays, and will commence on
September 17. Location and time TBD. If you are interested in participating, please contact Steve Milligan at
steve_milligan08@comcast.net or telephone 633 5925.