Welcome to the third week of Practice Period!
See bottom of flyer for SMS *Zoom link for appropriate events
All times are MDT
Heron Dreams: words from Roshi Sarah ![]() Dear Friends, Spring! The equinox came at 5:37 AM, here in Boston, and I am enjoying the sideways morning light that bathes the trunks of the huge pines outside my window here. Spring! It’s one of the Anglo-Saxon words I love that says what it means. The time of springing, the upward push of the beings so clearly connected to sunlight that they prepare and wait for it to strengthen just enough. And this year, there’s a strong sense that we, too, are animated by that longing and that encouragement. Sunlight, stronger every day! At the same time, this week, we in America are also grieving the deaths of 8 people gunned down in Atlanta. Six of them were Asian women. I’m attaching a letter from Rebecca Nie, a call for help from an Asian Zen teacher. What will spring in our hearts during this practice period? What will come forth from the fingers of our hands like the shoots, flowers and fruits that the plants make of earth and sunlight? Here is the letter from Rebecca Nie, a call for help from an Asian Zen teacher. Dear Fellow Buddhist Teachers, Please behold my open letter with your awakened heart and the compassion of our ancient vows, as I know you will. T_h_i_s_ _T_u_e_s_d_a_y_’s_ _horrific shooting in Atlanta has eight victims; six of them are Asian women, just like me. The event deeply shocked the Asian American community and me, so I am asking for your help on behalf of us all. The spike of violence against Asians may have… Read More Sarah Bender, Roshi, currently has availability for WITR times during practice period. Appointments are for 20 min. meetings. Please email to schedule with Sarah: sembender@gmail.com Saturday, March 27 6:30-8:00 AM Wednesday, Mar. 31 noon to 2 PM Wednesday, April 14 6-8 PM Sunday, April 25 9-11 AM People can still schedule with her outside of the the above times. Please email Sarah: sembender@gmail.comSpring Koan Meditation series with Roshi Sarah Saturday 4:00-6PM Mar. 20,27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24 In the SMS *Zoomdo To be on list contact Sarah: sembender@gmail.com Koan of the Week: Sixteen Bodhisattvas Enter the Bath In the old days there were sixteen bodhisattvas. When it was time to bathe, they got into the bath together. They suddenly realized the cause of water and said, “This subtle touch releases the brightness. We have become the sons and daughters of the Buddha.” Roshi Sarah shares: What’s looking out at me from this koan at this moment is transmission. It’s a story about transmission of the Dharma, the simultaneous, stark, vivid and delicious jolt of realization of what is indescribable but can be shared. Transmission from what, from where, Read More |
![]() Wayfaring Mind Talk by SMS member, Van Warren Monday Night, Mar 22 during the 6:10 pm meditation evening ![]() Spring Koan Series with Sarah Bender, Roshi Saturdays, March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2021 4:00 PM MDT All are welcome! To join the email list and have the weekly selections sent to you, please contact Sarah Bender, Roshi at sembender@gmail.comThank you to everyone here! What we do matters 🙂 ![]() Hakuin Happy Hour! Friday Mar 26th 4-6pm in the *Zoom Room Join peers as we get together, teacher free (tee tee) for informal chat about anything; what’s up for us, how’s it going out there? Bring a glass of wine or tea and let’s catch up. Beautiful StillnessSMS member shares “how lovely and deep a way to share morning candlelight meditation with one and all…such a helpful and supportive part of our practice period.”John Tarrant piece in Lion’s Roar: 1. Practice: Having a practice is the first gift. It’s a primary encouragement and the only thing that locates us. It’s always good to encourage each other. Practice is not for something. It is mere being, which is why it gives luminosity to the whole of our lives. Like consciousness, practice doesn’t take a fixed shape. It is never properly explained, yet it changes everything. It’s the mysterious thing that gets handed along. ![]() Early morning meditation via *Zoom 6:30am-7:30, This is a simple sit led by volunteers. Enter as you are, your video off. Join at any point, sink in…Vows at end. Read more for days of continued early am. sits this week Read More ![]() At first I wanted to talk, but as we moved along warming into a rhythm, in silence, a connection with my companions feet and the terrain arrived. I felt delight at seeing the large sand pieces in irregular circles made by ants. Then back to my companions foot sounds. Tall mullein stalks with yellow seed tops stood like flags above the dried grasses. Feet on mud then sand then rock, and Read More ![]() Earth Walk Thur. Mar 25th, 5:30pm. Palmer Park Join us for a socially distanced 30 minute meditative saunter as we move our feet with the rhythm of our earth. Regan will lead. Meet at large parking lot for leash free dog trails. If you come into park via Paseo it is the first left you can take (top of hill). Stay left on road, do not go right to lazy land. If you need help once there, contact Regan : 719-351-6017 ![]() |
![]() Art Gallery facilitated by Fox Love A place for sangha to gather works that inspire and are inspired by practice. This may be anything you make or that you find, in any medium. Please include artist, title, and date if it’s relevant. Please do not include commentary. Art functions best if it’s allowed to speak for itself. ![]() Contact: foxloveart@gmail.com to submit your piece. Click on rockcycleceramics.com to peruse the gallery. ![]() Swimming Turtles Hokusai submitted by Mary Kay Carlson |