This Wednesday,Megan Rundel, Sensei on Bodhidharma Bodhidharma is the First Ancestor of Zen, and a teacher who has always had a lot of power for me. Early in my practice I acquired a woodcut image of Bodhidharma in which he…
Please join us for a weekly study and practice series exploring the teachings of many of the ancestors of our Zen tradition from China and Japan. Each Wednesday evening this fall, we will take a deep dive into the life,…
Sangha Social White Pie Restaurant Outdoor Patio, Colorado SPrings Sunday, August 15, 5 PM We will be gathering at White Pie Restaurant, Colorado Springs location on their Outdoor Patio at 5 PM on Sunday. Please join us for some good…
KOAN INQUIRY TOGETHER, TOMORROW SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 10:00 AM to NOON Zhaozhou’s Three Turning Words A mud buddha can’t cross through water, A gold buddha can’t cross through a furnace. A wooden buddha can’t cross through fire. Friends, One…
“In the morning we entangle eyebrows, in the evening our shoulders rub. Who is it?” -Daito Kokushi The 2021 Open Source Autumn Retreat is fast approaching. It will begin Tuesday evening, October 19th and end Sunday evening, October 24th New news! …
THIS THURSDAY, 7-8 PM MDTEvening Meditation at Creek Bend In person and on Zoom We will be gathering this Thursday evening, July 1 from 7-8 PM at Creek Bend Zendo, 7528 Jenkin Place, Colorado Springs for two periods of meditation. This sit is in person,…