Waking Who? A Day’s Retreat with Sarah Bender, Roshi and Springs Mountain Sangha Saturday, December 7, 2019 Creek Bend Zendo 9 AM to 9 PM When Siddhartha Gautama turned up from the river where he had almost died, he knew,…
COMING THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 SPRINGS MOUNTAIN SANGHA POTLUCK DINNER AND GATHERING OF US When: November 10th 4-7:00PM Where: Creek Bend Zendo 7528 Jenkin Place 80919 What: This is our time to get together,…
Ceremony for the Beloved Dead Saturday 8:00 AM, November 2 Shove Chapel, Colorado College The Great Wheel of the Seasons This is the season when the veils between the worlds are thinnest. We feel a kinship with all that has…
Reimagined! October 23-27 Retreat 2019 with Sarah Bender, Roshi Springs Mountain Sangha’s Fall Meditation Retreat with Sarah Bender, Roshi had been redesigned: October 23st – 27th, 2019 at Creek Bend Zendo, Colorado Springs Our October meditation retreat with Sarah Bender,…
Dear Springs Mountain Sangha, As I write this, birds are singing loudly on a sunny morning (storm with hail yesterday, exciting!) and the cherry tree outside my window, which was just barely budding when I arrived in New Zealand, is…