Dear Sangha members and friends, Here it is March, and the third New Year of the new year (Losar) has been celebrated, so I figure the New Year is well and truly launched and it’s time to send word to…
This Saturday, March 7 Zen Threads Talk by Kathryn McWilliams at 8:00 AM, during the morning meditation at Shove Chapel This is an opportunity to hear one of us speak from his/her heart-mind. You are invited to come into the meditation…
Tough as Dragon Girl, Quick as Lingzhao: Koans for Stepping off a Pole A Meditation Retreat with Springs Mountain Sangha May 6 – 10, 2020 Pueblo Mountain Park Beulah, CO The deadline for registration is Friday, April 3 at which…
Lotus in the Fire Integrative Retreat at Creek Bend Zendo with Sarah Bender, Roshi Friday February 28th – Sunday March 1st, 2020 Reminder: Registration closes Friday, February 21 Lotus in the Fire Integrative Retreat at Creek Bend Zendo with Sarah…
Lotus in the Fire Integrative Retreat at Creek Bend Zendo with Sarah Bender, Roshi Friday February 28th – Sunday March 1st, 2020 The lotus flower rising right up in the fire to bloom, delicate and moist, as we must, delicate and…
Lunar New Year Ceremonywith Sarah Bender, RoshiJanuary 25, 2020 Dear Friends, As we have passed the turning of the decade, and started step by step building the path which will become 2020, a time of freshness, starting anew, and re-dedication…