Open Source Meetings Online, Spring 2020
Practicing with Open Source Companions
Baling asked, “What is the sword sharp enough to cut through a hair that blows against it?”
He answered himself, “Each branch of coral
holds up the moon.”
In this Spring like no other Spring before it, many are rediscovering what a powerful resource we are to each other. We reach out to support, comfort, inform, inspire and enjoy each other. And others reach out to us, cutting through the distances to touch in new ways. May this be the sword that cuts into one.
The Open Source Koan Zen Network
Here is contact information, and please look below for schedules of Zoom meditations and meetings.
• Cloud Dragon: The Joan Sutherland Dharma Works
• Crimson Gate Meditation Community (CG), Oakland, CA , Megan Rundel, Sensei
• Desert Rain Zen (DR), Tucson, AZ, Tenney Nathanson, Sensei
• Springs Mountain Sangha (SMS), Colorado Springs, CO, Sarah Bender, Roshi
• Andrew Palmer (AP), Sensei, Colorado Springs, CO
CG – Crimson Gate Meditation Community, Oakland, CA, Megan Rundel, Sensei
SMS – Springs Mountain Sangha, Colorado Springs, CO, Sarah Bender, Roshi
AP – Andrew Palmer, Sensei
DR – Desert Rain Zen, Tucson, AZ, Tenney Nathanson, Sensei
Desert Rain Zen
4-5 PM (PDT)
Meditation and conversation
Crimson Gate
6:30-8 PM (PDT)
Meditation and Conversation
Springs Mountain Sangha
5:00-6:00 PM (MDT)
Discussion group, taking up questions relating to our Zen practice as we are living it, day by day. Everyone is welcome.
6:00-8 PM (MDT)
- First Monday: Sutra Service
- Second Monday: Vows and Community Night
- Third Monday: Dharma Talk by Sarah Bender, Roshi
- Fourth Monday: Dharma Talk by Andrew Palmer, Sensei
- Fifth Monday: Wayfaring Mind talk by member of SMS
Desert Rain Zen
6:30-7:30 PM (PDT)
Tuesday Evening Study Group
(meets first, third, and fifth Tuesdays of each month)
Springs Mountain Sangha
6:30-7:30 AM (MDT)
Meditation led by sangha members. Conversation open until 8 AM MDT
Springs Mountain Sangha
6:30-8:30 AM (MDT)
You can join during the 5 min. before any period.
4 pm-6 pm (MDT)
Koan Inquiry in community, led by Sarah Bender, Roshi
It’s fine to just join in to any session, but please come at the beginning or a few minutes early. If you want to receive koans ahead of time, email Sarah at sembender@gmail.com
Multiple Days
Andrew Palmer, Sensei is posting specific dates and times for Zoom meditation, and these are somewhat variable at this time. These daytime meetings will be helpful for those who are at home.
For future times, please use this link: http://www.bowandroar.com/zoom-zendo.html