branches of light stream from that dark.
Springs Mountain Sangha
Branches of Light
Online Meditation Retreat
with Sarah Bender, Roshi
March 24-27, 2022
Taking part in the Gathering
We and everything we perceive
are interwoven and not interwoven,
and this interweaving continues on and on
while each thing stands in its own place.
from Shitou Xiqian, “Taking Part in the Gathering”
Dark, and Light—Just a few days after the Spring Equinox, as Earth all interwoven dreams its way into a time of new life and growth, each particular thing in its own way—we do, too.
In community, in the Temple we make with our individual practices linked by our images on screens—our rooms creating the sacred space of our joined ordinary lives: In this way we enact the discovery that our ancestor Shitou Xiqian expresses.
Weaving ourselves in and out of meditation and conversation, day mind and night mind, dark and light, we’ll give ourselves and each other the great gift of time in silence, untrammeled time.
A koan says, “Abiding nowhere, deeply, the heart mind comes forth.”
This is the essence of sesshin, the Zen meditation retreat.
Come and take part in the gathering!
Retreat begins at 6:30 PM MDT on Thursday,March 24, and ends at 4:00 PM MDT on Sunday, March 27
Daily retreat schedule includes periods of sitting and walking, Dharma talks and discussion, individual meetings with the teacher, ample time for meals, rest and walks outside.
Suggested donation for the full retreat is $140.
Part time is available for $35/day or partial day
(Please let us know which day(s) you plan on attending)
Evening talks are open to everyone, retreat participants or not.
You can pay via PayPal here:
Or, you may send a check payable to Springs Mountain Sangha
Mail to:
Kelly and Susan Rogers
910 J St
Unit F8
Salida, CO 81201
Scholarships are available for the asking. Please do not let funds keep you from attending the retreat.
Please email Kelly and Susan Rogers at kelnsus@gmail.com if you plan to attend.
Include in your reply: Name
Phone number
Emergency Contact and phone number
Days you plan to attend
Times you are not available for Work in the Room
Is this your first retreat or first Zoom retreat?
Any questions you might have.
Your email and payment will serve as your registration
Registration is due by March 10, 2022
(Please let us know as soon as you can which will help in planning the retreat)
About Dana
During these times when we cannot meet in person, you can donate to Springs Mountain Sangha through our PayPal account. You can get to the SMS PayPal link on the SMS web site at:
You can also mail donations to Springs Mountain Sangha, P.O. Box 2613, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.
We depend on the generosity of our members to support the work of our sangha.If you want to make a donation to Sarah Bender specifically, for example, dana for classes, group meetings or work on the phone (suggested donations for these are $10 per class, or $20 for a 20 min. individual meeting) you can do this by sending a check directly to her.
Sarah Bender
7528 Jenkin Place
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Support for Cloud Dragon
An easy way to support Cloud Dragon, the Joan Sutherland Dharma WorksAmazon shoppers, sign in at smile.amazon.com and choose Cloud Dragon Dharma Works as the charity you would like 0.5% of your purchases to go to. It costs you nothing extra. We’re grateful for your generosity.
See also Joan Sutherland’s Patreon site,
This is another good way to support Joan’s work and receive fresh teachings from her.