October 27, 6:00-7:30 Arizona/Pacific, 7:00-8:30 Mountain
Open Source Koan Ancestors Series continues with Megan Rundel Sensei
Laywomen of the Way
This week I’ll be taking up some koans and stories about women practitioners in China who were not teachers or nuns, but rather laypeople like us. Some are the infamous tea ladies, and others are ordinary women who were devoted to the Way. I’m wondering if there is something distinctive about women’s Zen practice and realization that has been obscured and that we might fruitfully take up. In particular I’d like sit with koans about embodiment, desire, eros, and healing. Please join us for this opportunity to practice and share together.
See you Wednesday!
Here’s the basic zoom info.
Meeting ID: 844 6820 5285
Passcode: 540935
Participation is free of charge, donations gratefully accepted.
To make a donation, please go to https://www.desertrainzen.org/residential-retreats.html . You’ll see a way to donate for this series. Donations will go to all four teachers.
Zoom Info:
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Passcode: 540935
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Passcode: 540935
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