Springs Mountain Sangha, February 2024
February Offerings
Thursday, Feb 1; 6:15 PM Steering Committee Meeting
Note that we will be meeting on the first Thursday of the month in January and February. This is a new day of the week for the steering committee. Everyone is welcome to attend steering committee meetings.
Sundays, Feb 4, 18; 3 PM, in person at Creek Bend Zendo & on Zoom:
Springs Mountain Sangha Koan Series with Sarah Bender, Roshi
Note: There will be no gathering on Feb 11th.
Monday, Feb. 5; 6 PM, on Zoom & in person at Shove Chapel:
Meditation, Sutra Service and Conversation

Wednesdays, Feb 7, 14, 21, 28; 7 PM, on Zoom:
Open Source Koan Series with Sarah Bender, Roshi, Tenney Nathanson, Roshi, Megan Rundel, Sensei

Saturday, Feb. 10
Lunar New Year Retreat
In person with Sarah Bender, Roshi
At the Lunar New Year under a slim new moon, we enter with wonder a new time. We will begin online at 6:30 with tea, ceremony, meditation and dream gathering as dawn arrives. We will adjourn for breakfast at 8:30 and reconvene at 9:30 in person and online, until 4:30pm. The day will include meditation, a dharma talk, brown bag lunch and conversation. Suggested dana $50 can be sent to Springs Mountain Sangha. Please register by February 7th by sending an email to Brandy Lancaster at bdl0824@gmail.com
Monday, Feb. 12; 6 PM, on Zoom & in person at Shove Chapel:
Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sarah Bender, Roshi
Monday, Feb. 19; 6 PM, on Zoom & in person at Shove Chapel
Meditation, Community Night Conversation
Friday, Feb 23; 7:30 PM, on Zoom:
SMS Movie Night

Please watch Ten Canoes ahead of time and join in the conversation on Feb 23rd.
Monday, Feb. 26; 6 PM, on Zoom & in person at Shove Chapel:
Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sarah Bender, Roshi
Candlelight Meditation Resumes
Every Sunday from 8 to 8:30 PM, you are invited to join candlelight meditation online. Simple and lovely.
Looking Ahead
Residential Meditation Retreat Dates to Save:
April 8-14
A Springs Mountain Sangha Retreat
at the Abbey, Canyon City
with Sarah Bender, Roshi
Registration is now open for our April Retreat: https://forms.gle/TyzMKFb2d7LcjruDA
and the coordination team is forming. This is a wonderful way to start to greet the retreat as it moves towards us. It is also what makes retreats possible. If you would like to help coordinate, please contact Kelly McFarland at s.kelly.HLS@gmail.com