
November 19, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Creek Bend Zendo
Debbie Stavish


SMS EcoDharma – The Great Koan of Our Time – where our ecological crisis meets the dharma.
After eight meetings of birthing and discovery, the SMS EcoDharma group has arrived!

Join Sarah Bender, Roshi and our dedicated group as we pilgrimage together on this Ecosattva path. Is it calling to you too?

The coyotes cry out at Creek Bend Zendo- we open the door to truly listen. Our Open Source Roshi, Joan Sutherland, writes, “ Rilke once said that the future enters us before it happens so that it might be transformed in us. Starfish and kelp, abalone, coyote, and all the other creatures pour into us, whispering crying shouting Already like this. We will transform the future we share with them, one way or the other. Will we be the Ark or the Titanic?”

Here, at Creek Bend Zendo Land and Gardens (now a designated Certified Wildlife Habitat), the Ark-focused community participates, heart-to-heart, once a month in meditation, ethical inquiry, working with emotions, with art as a force of expression (including koans), in factual investigation, and activism meeting contemplation. 

There is possibility, in between monthly meetings, for salon gatherings, eco-film screenings, barn dancing (yes we need fun too), journaling, and rubber-meets-the-road action such as the Global Climate Strike in which 6 of us participated.

It’s all here and you should be too if this rings your bell! –What you do matters

Third Tuesday of the month, 6:30pm-8 o’clock

7528 Jenkin Place 80919

E-Zoom participation available 

Contact Debbie for more info #719-209-2260 or