Lit by a Star
Bodhi Day Retreat
with Springs Mountain Sangha
9 AM Sat., Dec. 8 to 10 AM Sun., Dec. 9
Creek Bend Zendo
7528 Jenkin Place
As the days draw down to winter
we celebrate the awakening of Siddhartha Gautama, who sat down
on a cushion of sweet grass under a sheltering tree.
It’s sweet to sit down, still and simple, in company
and allow life to appear, just as it is, in the space of our awareness
abiding nowhere, deeply.
This wild life, spacious, continuous and indivisible, appears.
What, then, is your awakening? How does it help?
This retreat with Sarah Bender, Roshi will include a full day of meditation Saturday with individual conversations with the teacher, a brief talk, a long walk outside, and evening conversation by the fire.
Lunch will be brown bag. A simple vegetarian supper is provided on Saturday followed by evening conversation by the fire.
After the evening conversation, the day’s schedule will end,
but those who wish to sit into the night may stay.
Sunday morning, the door will open at 5:00 AM. The meditation schedule will begin with tea at 5:55. We’ll have a Morningstar ceremony at 6:30, meditation, and breakfast at 8:00.
Cost of the retreat is $85. To register, contact Linda Hodges:
Registration form: