Category: Monthly Newsletter

Monthly Newletters

October 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friends, Just a couple of words late at night from Boston. Early tomorrow, off northward to Nova Scotia.  Family, ocean, and reflection of several kinds are present, and the tenderness that the image above evokes for this most beautiful…

September 2022 Newsletter

Dear Ones,  I’m fitting words into the interstices of today, keenly aware that it’s been a while, and you can see why!   Winter here in New Zealand, the wettest ever (sigh) which of course is okay with this foreigner…

August 2022 Newsletter

August Monday, August 1, 6 PM, Zoom: Meditation and Sutra Service Tuesday, August 2, 6:15-8:15 PM, Zoom: Steering Committee Meeting Saturday, August 6, 10 AM to noon, Zoom: Women’s Ways… Ordinary and Sacred Series, Sarah Bender, Roshi and Piper Leigh Monday, August…

July 2022 Newsletter

July Monday, July 4, 6 PM: Meditation and Sutra ServiceTuesday, July 5, 6:15-8:15 PM, Zoom: Steering Committee MeetingSaturday, July 9, 10-11:30 AM, Zoom: Women’s Ways… Ordinary and Sacred Series, Sarah Bender, Roshi and Piper LeighMonday, July 11, 6 PM: Community Night: Meditation and ConversationSaturday, July 16, 10-11:30…

June 2022 Newsletter

June Friday-Sunday, June 3-5, Zoom: Inside the Dream Reunion: The Tale of the Lindworm; A weekend online retreat with a koan and an old storyMonday, June 6, 6 PM: Meditation and Sutra ServiceTuesday, June 7, 6:15-8:15 PM, Zoom: Steering Committee MeetingWednesday,…

May 2022 Newsletter

This dewdrop world–Is a dewdrop world,And yet, and yet …-Kobayashi Issa Dear Friends, May Day! It has multiple resonances for many of us.  Today, on the calendar, falls halfway between the Winter solstice and the Spring Equinox. Even the midst…

April 2022 Newsletter

All things return to the One. What does the One return to? Dear Friends, As Spring, with a little help from some rain and snow here in the Front Range, begins its magical unfurling under our feet, brightens over our…

March 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friends, During March, time will change, Winter will change its tune with signs already arriving:  Magpies building their nests, owls conversing, geese in formation overhead, buds slowly fattening. Spring will arrive!  It’s cheering to have daffodils indoors so  eagerly…

February 2022 Newsletter

Photograph and Watercolor by Susan Rogers’ sister-in-law, Leslie H. Carson Dear Friends, The word that comes first this month is breathe.  It arises as I look at the two images above, each beautiful in its own way. The photo, on the left,…

January 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friends, This morning I watched the coy moon climbing through the pine boughs, as sunlight crept up from behind the farther treeline, light meeting light across the darkness of dawn, and was grateful for this daily ritual, in the midst…