Category: Classes and Gatherings

Classes and gatherings to study the Dharma together

Ceremony for the Beloved Dead

Ceremony for the Beloved Dead Saturday 8:00 AM, November 2 Shove Chapel, Colorado College The Great Wheel of the Seasons  This is the season when the veils between the worlds are thinnest.  We feel a kinship with all that has…

Garden Blessing Sunday September 1

Please note time correction to 11:30 am with apologies! At last Monday’s Eco-Dharma talk, Sarah brought to our attention how integral is the gathering of our community, as sangha, in activating the healing of the whole. This “whole” is what is…

Work In The Room: Saturday May 25

Work in the Room This Saturday, May 25   times still open:   6:40, 7:00, and 8:00 To reserve a time, please contact Sarah Bender at   Under cover of snow, life happens, and then suddenly, voilà! Paintbrush, so vividly alive!  Our…

Spring Koans at Creek Bend

Jizo Bodhisattva, or Ksitigarbha, Earth-Store, “protector of children and guide through the underworld,” as we sometimes chant, is often met at the doorways to Buddhist temples, witnessing the comings and goings of all of us, our lives, our heart-minds.  Just…