BUDDHA WAKES RETREAT December 6-7, 2014


November 14, 2014:


with Sarah Bender, Sensei

December 6-7, 2014
Creek Bend Zendo, 7528 Jenkin Place

During the long nights and brief days of early December, Buddhists in Japan and many other places gather in meditation to commemorate the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama, Shakyamuni Buddha. Bodhi Day, December 8, is a full moon day this year.  And Springs Mountain Sangha will lead up to that day with a weekend meditation retreat. Our retreat will begin at 9:00 AM on Saturday, December 6, and end with a brunch at 11:00 AM on Sunday, December 7.

You are welcome to attend any part of the schedule; from an hour to the full 26 hours. Some of us will sit through the stillness of the night, as the Siddhartha did so long ago; and others won’t! Silent vegetarian meals will be included, as well as times for walking outside, an evening Dharma conversation, and some movement meditation during the night.  Work in the room will also be offered, and you are invited to bring a reading to share at some time during the day.It’s a time, in our northern hemisphere, when it seems good to welcome the darkness; to put down what we have been about and settle into the stillness and the quiet. We invite just what is  without much need for explanation or judgment, even for understanding. We allow ourselves to wait; to wait to greet the light that comes to light us.

Registrar: Steve Milligan  steve_milligan08@comcast.net

Here’s a tentative schedule:

Saturday Schedule:

8:30         Gather, settle in
9:00        Tea and welcome

12:00        Lunch
12:30         Break

2:00        Tea
work in the room begins

3:30        Long walk outside

4:30        Afternoon Reading

5:00        Dinner

6:30        Meditation

7:00        Dharma Conversation

8:00        Meditation
work in the room available

9:00        Closing for those who will go home;
Stretches, break, snack for those who will stay

Sitting through the night will follow the usual 25-min. sit, 5 min. walk schedule.  Some periods will include chanting or movement.
Tea, snacks, places to nap will be available.
It is fine to come and go at any time.

Sunday morning

7:00        Breakfast
7:30        Break
9:00        Sutra Service
10:00     Closing circle
prepare brunch

11:00      Brunch  (all are welcome, whether you’ve been sitting or not)

More information will be published as we get closer to the retreat.