Author: SMS Editor

Springs Mountain Sangha 2021 Practice Period

Sixteen Bodhisattvas Enter the Bath Springs Mountain Sangha Practice Period 2021 March 8th- May 3th Welcome to the 2021 Practice Period!Several opportunities will be offered to all of us during this time. Here we will enliven, renew, and rededicate ourselves to our…

Open Source Zen Spring Retreat CHANGE:  THURS-SUN, MAR 11-14th

~Open Source Meditation Retreat~The Secret Of The Stream Bed With: Sarah Bender, Andrew Palmer, Tenny Nathanson, and Megan RundelNEW DATES March 11-14, 2021 ~ In the Zoom Temple HELLO EVERYONE,Your retreat planning team is thinking that a shorter retreat, starting Thursday evening, March 11 and running through Sunday late afternoon, March…

March 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends, I woke up this morning gratefully warm under my covers (and a cat), and looked out on a world also under its soft white blanket.  Feeling rooted, and grateful for the roots underground and in our Zen tradition,…

Open Source Zen Spring Retreat: Mar 11-14th – See new dates!

~Five-Day Retreat~The Secret Of The Stream Bed  With: Sarah Bender, Andrew Palmer, Tenny Nathanson, and Megan RundelMarch 11-14, 2021 ~ In the Zoom Temple   Since before anyone remembers     it has been clear          shining like silverthough the moonlight penetrates it     and the wind ruffles it          no trace of either remains Today I would not…

What is the Way? Intro to Zen

What is the Way? Intro to ZenThursday nights, 6:00pm MST via *Zoom Feb 11, 18, 25; March 4thincorporating a possible half-day retreat TBA This four week series of 1.5 hour zoom classes will be taught by Springs Mountain Sangha members, Regan Arntzen &…

February 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends, Right at the start of February comes a Cross-Quarter Day, February 2, which has been noted and celebrated by people from ancient times in various cultures, as it falls exactly halfway between the winter solstice and the spring…

Movie Night, Friday Jan. 8th 6:30pm MST- Soul

Movie Night, Fri. Jan 8th 6:30 pm MST*Soul Join sangha members and bring a friend or your family for conversation and a casual get together about the film – popcorn and refreshments & pets welcome too! At the conclusion of SMS’s late summer book study of Rhonda McGee’s Inner…