Author: SMS Editor

October 2014 Calendar

September, 25, 2014 October 2014 Calendar   Ongoing  Events   Newcomer Orientation: 2nd Monday of the month, CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall upstairs at 5:45 pm to meet anyone who would like some orientation to meditation, to our tradition, or…

Harvest Retreat, October 2014

August 27, 2014 Harvest Retreat October 15-19, 2014 The Abby, Canon City About Retreat Practice, and about our Harvest Retreat People often ask me, “How can I deepen my practice?” Just asking the question is a great start.  Ask it…

September 2014 Calendar

August 20, 2014 September 2014 Calendar   Ongoing  Events   Newcomer Orientation: 2nd Monday of the month, CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall upstairs at 5:45 pm to meet anyone who would like some orientation to meditation, to our tradition, or…

Upcoming Practice Opportunities

August 10, 2014 Greetings Everyone, Here are a few opportunities I’ll be offering in the coming weeks: This Saturday, August 16 Work In The Room at Shove Chapel from 6:30-8:30 a.m. Times to sign up for are 6:40, 7:00, 7:20,…