May 15, 2015 A NOTE FROM SARAH BENDER Dear SMS, As I see it, a practice community is a pretty amazing organic being: a collection of individuals, each embodying a universe, coming together to support each other in the project…
Author: SMS Editor
WITR Sign Up Reminder For Saturday May 16
May 13, 2015 Springs Mountain Sangha This Saturday May 16th Work In The Room Sarah Bender, Sensei During Meditation at Shove Chapel at Colorado College 6:30 – 8:30 AM Times for signing up are 6:40, 7:00, 7:20, 7:40,…
How you can help Nepal after the earthquake
Happy May Day!
May 1, 2015 Happy May Day! The next three days hold a number of chances to get together with your practice community: for meditation, conversation, party, koan inquiry, sutras, Dharma study. Packed! Here’s the scoop: Tomorrow, Saturday: 6:30 to 8:30…
Springs Mountain Sangha May 2015 Newsletter
Gary Snyder at Colorado College, April 22, 2015
April 10, 2015 Save the date! Gary Snyder at Colorado College Wednedsday, April 22, 2015, 7 pm at Richard F. Celeste Theater, Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center, 825 N. Cascade Ave. 2015 Daniel Patrick O’Connor Lecture: “The…
Essence of Insight; or, Who Swallows the Moon?
For Monday, March 30 5:15 Discussion:
March 30, 2015 For your enjoyment, and for tonight’s 5:15 discussion: from Acequias and Gates, p. 39 Our lives are the creative medium of the koan; they help us see how to participate in making the world. They also…
A Gentle Reminder of Two Special Events
March 29, 2015 A Gentle Reminder of Two Special Events Wayfaring Mind Talk Pat Komarow Rocky Mountain Insight Dharma Teacher and Administrative Director, will offer a Wayfaring Mind Talk for us on Monday March 30, 2015 during the evening meditation.…