Ongoing Events Newcomer Orientation: 2nd Monday of the month, CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall upstairs at 5:45 pm to meet anyone who would like some orientation to meditation, to our tradition, or to our sangha and customs. Dharma Study and Discussion: Each Monday 5:15 pm,…
Author: SMS Editor
Radiance of the Dark Screening, 3:00 Sun.
SMS WITR Saturday June 20
Springs Mountain Sangha This Saturday June 20th Work In The Room Andrew Palmer, Sensei During Meditation at Shove Chapel at Colorado College 6:30 – 8:30 AM Times for signing up are 6:40, 7:00, 7:20, 7:40, 8:00 contact: Kathryn McWilliams at…
The Radiance of the Dark: An upcoming viewing of a short film by, Joan Sutherland, Roshi
Introduction to Zen Meditation
JUNE 2015 Newsletter
Summer Retreat with Wet Mountain Sangha
Koans in Manitou Springs, with Andrew Palmer Sensei
2015 Buddha Day
SMS This Week: Let Community Support Your Life
May 15, 2015 A NOTE FROM SARAH BENDER Dear SMS, As I see it, a practice community is a pretty amazing organic being: a collection of individuals, each embodying a universe, coming together to support each other in the project…