A few November Notes KOANS Koan practice will not happen today, Nov. 15, because we’ll be at the Woman’s Club for our annual all-sangha dinner meeting,4:30 to 7:30. Come on over and join in discussion as we look forward into…
Author: SMS Editor
In Loving Memory of Pat Komarow
Dear Sangha, Our dear friend, Rocky Mountain Insight teacher Pat Komarow, has passed from this world. RMI will be honoring Pat in their service this morning, Nov. 22 (see below). Pat’s family is also planning a memorial,…
Autumn Koan for this Sunday
One Day in Autumn Retreat
An Altar and Sutra Service: Gratitude for Ancestors
An Altar and Sutra Service: Gratitude for Ancestors Tomorrow evening, Monday, November 2, we’ll pause in this season of harvest and remembrance, to call the names of loved ones who are gone. Our altar will be open for decoration…
Contemplative Education Talk Tonight
Dear Sangha, A centrally important topic we took up together early this summer was the practices of inclusion in our individual Zen and in our community. In particular, we spoke of the causes, effects, and importance of racism in our communities,…
November 2015 Newsletter
David Hinton, Author of Hunger Mountain will speak Monday night October 26
David Hinton, Author of Hunger Mountain will speak Monday night October 26th. Due to this event, our normal Monday evening schedule will be modified. Andrew Palmer, Sensei will not be giving a dharma talk that evening. We will bow to the…