Author: SMS Editor

October 2017 Newsletter

  Ongoing Events   Newcomer Orientation: 2nd Monday of the month CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall upstairs at 5:45 pm for anyone who would like some orientation to meditation, to our tradition, or to our sangha and customs.   5:15 Dharma Study and Discussion…

September 2017 Newsletter

  Ongoing Events Newcomer Orientation: 2nd Monday of the month, CC Shove Chapel, Dharma Hall upstairs at 5:45 pm for anyone who would like some orientation to meditation, to our tradition, or to our sangha and customs. 5:15 Dharma Study and Discussion before Monday…

Introduction to Zen September 22-23

On Zen an introduction Springs Mountain Sangha is offering a short introduction to Zen Buddhism.  This will include instruction, discussion, an experiential focus on meditation, koan consideration, a   tea ceremony; and, a dharma talk by Sarah Bender, Roshi. We…

August 2017

  Farewell, Roshi Sarah!  We will see you in September!  Wishing you safe travels, beautiful dreams, fearless and memorable adventures, and, great stillness.  Thank you for your inexhaustible generosity to us.  As always, we give you many deep bows; and, as well, our commitment to…

SMS/WMS Potluck July 16th

Reminder – Please RSVP and bring your family along, too! SMS/WMS Gathering! All are welcome as we gather with our Wet Mountain Sangha brothers and sisters for a time of community, conversation, music and laughter. Bring your potluck item, creek shoes,…

July 2071

  Earlier this month our Zen teacher Sarah Bender, Sensei met with her teacher Joan Sutherland, Roshi and received transmission: an ancient and honored way of investing individuals with the highest teaching authority.  Sarah herself is now a Roshi.  Bestowing this title…

Happy News!

  June 14, 2017 It is with deep happiness we announce that during the full moon weekend Sarah Bender of Springs Mountain Sangha received transmission from Joan Sutherland, in a simple ceremony on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. She…

Koans for June 18 and 25

Koan Gatherings with Sarah Bender Creek Bend Zendo, 7528 Jenkin Place Sundays, June 18 and 25, 3 to 5 PM Dear Friends, For the next two Sunday afternoons we’ll take up together several koans from the record of Dongshan .…

June WITR Date Correction and Events Reminder

  June 17 Saturday is the corrected date for Work in the Room: 6:30 to 8:30 AM with Sarah Bender, Sensei To schedule an appointment  please contact Sarah Bender Two Koan Circles with Sarah Bender, Sensei Sundays, June 18 and June 25, 3:00 to 5:00 PM Creek Bend Zendo, 7528…