Author: SMS Editor

May 2019 Newsletter

  Ongoing 5:15 Dharma Downstairs: before Monday night meditation, at Shove Chapel. Every Monday evening, in the Sacred Grounds downstairs room from  5:15 to 6:00,  some of us meet for informal Dharma conversation, led by Sarah Bender and sangha members.  Anyone is welcome to join…

A Dharma Inquiry with Hozan Alan Senauke

The Three Treasures: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Radical Buddhism and Beloved Community: A Dharma Inquiry with Hozan Alan Senauke Select this link for the flyer: Senauke flyer 4.29.19 Monday, April 29 at 7pm Max Kade Theater Armstrong Hall Colorado College The…

April 2019 SMS Newsletter

OnGoing 5:15 Dharma Downstairs: before Monday night meditation, at Shove Chapel. Every Monday evening, in the Sacred Grounds downstairs room from  5:15 to 6:00,  some of us meet for informal Dharma conversation, led by Sarah Bender and sangha members.  Anyone is welcome to join in on…

Spring Koans at Creek Bend

Jizo Bodhisattva, or Ksitigarbha, Earth-Store, “protector of children and guide through the underworld,” as we sometimes chant, is often met at the doorways to Buddhist temples, witnessing the comings and goings of all of us, our lives, our heart-minds.  Just…

Ongoing 5:15 Dharma Downstairs: before Monday night meditation, at Shove Chapel. Every Monday evening, in the Sacred Grounds downstairs room from  5:15 to 6:00,  some of us meet for informal Dharma conversation, led by Sarah Bender and sangha members.  Anyone is welcome to join in on…