Meditation at Creek Bend THIS THURSDAY EVENING JULY 1, 7-8 PM MDT

July 1, 2021 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Creek Bend Zendo
7528 Jenkin Place

THIS THURSDAY, 7-8 PM MDT Evening Meditation at Creek Bend  In person and on Zoom

We will be gathering  this Thursday evening, July 1 from 7-8 PM at Creek Bend Zendo, 7528 Jenkin Place, Colorado Springs for two periods of meditation. This sit is in person, for anyone who is fully vaccinated. Zoom link is below for joining remotely. Since there’s so little talking, this seems to be working very well.  You can feel the room, and those in the room feel your presence.  It’s wonderful to have you here, either way! Cushions and chairs are available, or you can bring your own. We sit in the Dharma Hall with windows and doors open.  So you might bring a jacket or shawl, and bring slippers or shoes that are good for walking out on the deck. Please park in the driveway or by the garage, since neighbors also will have a meeting that evening. A koan may come in among us, or a poem, if you bring one.   Spring flowers, the moon in autumn, the cool breezes of summer, winter snow— When idle concerns don’t cloud your mind, that’s your best season.   

Wumen’s verse comment on “Ordinary Mind is the Way”