The Gates of Sweet Nectar – Summer Camping Retreat

August 31, 2019 @ 7:30 am – 1:00 pm
Creek Bend Zendo
Brandy Lancaster

The Gates of Sweet Nectar
Summer Camping Retreat

Saturday, August 31st – Sunday, September 1st
7:30 am Saturday to 1:00 PM Sunday

“Calling out to hungry hearts, Everywhere through endless time, You who wander, you who thirst, I offer you this heart of mine…”


This retreat visits with the Ullumbana story. It inquires into the nature of the hungry hearts among us- past, present, and future. As we retreat and camp together in nature, we immerse ourselves into this story via traditional meditation periods, meals with each other, long walks, and sharing experiences over a campfire. We will find ourselves going in and out of silence over the two days.

There will be opportunities to spend some moments alone with  Creek Bend’s vast landscape including native plants, nourishing vegetable gardens, birds and butterflies, a gracious winding stream, and skies full of twinkling stars and early morning sunrise. Bring a notebook for journaling.

Roshi Sarah Bender will offer an Ullambana ceremony on the first day as well as teachings during retreat. WITR will be available Saturday afternoon. A brown bag lunch will be required on Saturday yet all other meals and snacks will be provided.

This is fundamentally a residential camping retreat however it is possible to return home Saturday night.  Also while most retreatants will chose to sleep in tents, there are four primitive small camper sites available on a first come first served basis.

Join us as we come together as a sangha at large in order to help heal the whole of our suffering. What is a hungry ghost? Who suffers and what suffers? What do we and can we offer?
Any questions around this retreat or special needs, contact:

Retreat Coordinator:  Debbie Stavish @  (719)-209-2260  or,

Registrar:  Brandy Lancaster @
The cost of the retreat is $80.
(scholarships are available)

Registrar:  Brandy Lancaster @
Registration form:

We will end this retreat at 11:30 with a special garden blessing followed by lunch. All garden volunteers as well as the greater sangha are invited!

(for non volunteers and non-retreatants a $5 lunch dana is requested)