Work In The Room: Saturday May 25

Work in the Room This Saturday,
May 25 

 times still open:   6:40, 7:00, and 8:00

To reserve a time, please contact Sarah Bender at
  Under cover of snow, life happens, and then suddenly, voilà! Paintbrush, so vividly alive!  Our meditation is like this, too.  The silence and stillness can be as seamless as a snowfield, and then, in connection, in your life as something comes to meet you, maybe a koan? Maybe a friend?  and seemingly from nowhere, heart-mind comes forth! 

In our Zen koan tradition, a community can offer many kinds of support for the practice of the Way: 

Talks by teachers, visitors and community members

Service opportunities

Study groups 

Koan circles

Services and ceremonies

Community support in times of trouble

Meditation retreats


Since our community has an authorized teacher (in fact, access to two)
we can also offer individual support and guidance from a teacher, which in the long history of our way has been seen as a key element of practice. 

If you’d like to explore this possiblility, or just to have individual conversation about your practice, please don’t hesitate to come on Saturday morning, or to make an appointment at another time with Sarah Bender, Roshi ( or Andrew Palmer, Sensei (