To Gather in Stillness
Meditation Retreat at Creek Bend Zendo
Saturday, February 9, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
with Sarah Bender, Roshi
Springs Mountain Sangha invites you to join
in a long day of meditation
with a Dharma Talk and individual meetings with the teacher.
We’ll share a pot luck lunch in silence.
A light soup-and-bread supper will provided.
Evening meditation with conversation around the fire.
What draws you into the open stillness of your own curious heart-mind?
Cost is $65. Financial aid is available.
Because space is limited please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to attend. Please reply to Brandy Lancaster, registrar for the retreat, at .
We need to have all registrations in hand by February 1.
After you register, you will receive more details.
Join us to dive deep into meditation
as we begin our winter practice period.
Questions? Contact Robert King at .
This retreat replaces the previously announced three-day retreat.
Registration form: