“There is an ocean of bright clouds, there is an ocean of solemn clouds.”
                                                                            Eihei Dogen

 This Sunday, November 11!

All-Sangha Meeting

4:00 to 7:00 PM 

Creek Bend Zendo

7528 Jenkin Place COS 80919

This is a Pot Luck!


 Please bring a vegetarian dish to share that corresponds with the first letter of your last name.

 A-I = salad, appetizers

J-S = entrees, sides, veggies

T-Z = desserts


We gather to share a meal, give thanks for a year of Dharma community – and, make some music together!.  We conduct the brief but essential business of maintaining ourselves as a nonprofit, and envision turning our dreams for the Dharma into real happenings in our lives and wider community.


One more thing:

Just this weekend, we’ve learned of the death of a beloved teacher in the Zen tradition, Bernie Glassman.

We’d like to dedicate our gathering to Bernie in two ways:

First, anyone who is so inclined is invited to bring an offering of nonperishable food or warm clothing or blankets, which will then be donated.

And, as our blessing for the meal, we’ll sing “Bernie’s Challisa”:  The one you may remember from our Ullambana ceremonies.


“Calling out to hungry hearts…”


So please bring your own hungry hearts and offerings, and join in!

(contact Liz Cramer for questions  719 659-3608)