(an ongoing consideration)
Rocky Mountain Insight has graciously offered us their space to hold our meetings. The address is 2525 W. Pikes Peak Avenue, Old Colorado City.
We will enjoy being in a practice space, shoes off, no food but do bring tea. They have asked for dana only.
As we are not contending with Palmer High School’s lunch time, we will meet at RMI from 11:00 to 12:30.
Dogo’s Condolence Call
Dôgo and Zengen went to a house to express condolences. Zengen rapped on the coffin and asked, “Alive or dead?” Dôgo said, “I won’t say alive and I won’t say dead.” Zengen said, “Why won’t you say?” Dôgo said, “I won’t say, I won’t say!”
Case number 55
We will be embarking on this consideration beginning September 27th. We will meet the second and 4th Tuesdays at this time each month.
This study is spearheaded by Steve Milligan ( and Liz Cramer ( We begin by using Stephen and Ondrea Levine’s book Who Dies? And, we will progress as the group desires. We already have a stack of books as possibilities; additionally, we can integrate talks, speakers, and koan studies.
Initially we do not want to limit the group size or commitment but suspect that to be meaningful, a group of 8-12 people is ideal. And we will determine the course with consensus as we go forward. Please let Steve or Liz know if you are interested! And do start the book!