painting by Iwasaki Tsuneo
All Sangha Meeting
Sunday, December 3, 2023
On Zoom so everyone near and far can attend
Dear Bodhisattvas, the wake behind this duck and her ducklings is made of the characters of our Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, the very one we chant, or sing, or say together every Monday evening, and every day during retreats, because it seems so much to be the entire teaching in pocket form. Essential nature reminders, portable. Once you memorize it, you have it forever. Iwasaki Tsuneo painted the Heart Sutra into many, many, very beautiful pictures. Lightning bolts, the path of light from moon to tiny boat, the wake of Mama Duck on the water. It was the practice of his life, of his heart. This one is called “Compassion Ripples.”
And I find this a beautiful image for what we do, as our awakening marks our hearts and lives more and more deeply. It is written into all the moments of our lives. Behind us, how do we as individuals and as a community leave a wake? How do we create a protected space of time and intention in which everything is welcomed and heart-minds offered nourishment?
Tomorrow we’ll gather as a community to give our full attention to questions like this. Everyone’s reflections and insights are needed, as we contemplate the pathless path of a community, ours, in this time of danger and transformation.
In our evening dedication we say, “With gratitude, we dream it onward.” And this is our charter: to dream this Way, this Dharma onward.
So here’s an invitation: Ask for a dream to visit you tonight, and if one comes, bring it to the gathering. If one doesn’t literally come, take a little waking time to see what images or ideas would like to come. What is your life like right now? and more particularly, what is your life in this sangha like? What’s your vision for dreaming it onward?
It’s different to be doing this kind of sharing on Zoom—challenging in some ways, but delightful in others. We can include our members who are far from Colorado Springs, and set-up and clean up are much easier! Come as you are, sit comfortably, and bring your cup of tea and a nibble if you like.
Most of all, thank you for being part of this community of practice. You are it.
Yours in the Dharma,
Sarah Bender
Once in the old days there were sixteen Bodhisattvas. When it was time to bathe they got into the bath together. Suddenly they realized the cause of water, and said,
“This subtle touch releases the brightness. We’ve become the sons and daughters of Buddha.”
Really? A meeting? Yes. A meeting of minds, hearts, lives.
Dear Sangha,
Once a year we get together to do the official work of the sangha as a whole. In doing so, we continue to ensure the health of the organization, financial feasibility of what we hold most dear and envision our future. At the all sangha meeting, we approve a budget for the next year, and we approve the membership of the sangha’s steering committee for the coming year. We’ll also briefly review the few plans that are already built into our coming year’s calendar.
At least as important for the health of our spiritual family, are the topics we hold in conversation. For instance:
What offerings or kinds of support are most important to you, in your practice of a life?
What have you noticed has had a powerful effect on you?
What have you most enjoyed?
What would you like more of, or less of?
How can we do a better job of letting people know that we exist?
What events are best held online so people near and far can participate similarly? What ones might best be hybrid? What ones want to be in-person only?
We have set aside three hours for this meeting, but our sense is that we can accomplish most of what’s needed in two….and three is long for an online meeting.
So, please join us, and plan on two hours but know that a third hour is included for the continuation of important conversations and for time to just catch up with each other a bit, get to know each other a little better, share dreams for the life of the sangha…..like that.
It’s been surprising and delightful, each year, to hear the thoughts of community members, the creative ideas, the practical suggestions…and the glimpses of our lives.
So, please come if you can! You are needed, and what we do matters!
Your Steering Committee
2024 Proposed Calendar
Jan 1 New Year’s Day celebration; Monday night 108 bells
Sit 2 periods, Sutra Service, 108 bells then go somewhere for tea/dinner at 8
Jan 15 MLK Day – Monday Night/ Community Night
Jan 24, 31; Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 Open Source Koan Series
Jan 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11 (Sundays 3-5) In person Koan Series
Jan 27 Introduction to Zen w/ Sarah Bender, in person; ½ day retreat
Feb 10 Lunar New Year one day retreat
March 6, 13, 20, 27, Apr 3, 10 SMS Dharma Series
Mar 18 (Monday) Spring Equinox Ceremony – Community Night
April 15-21 SMS Retreat
Practice Period: Dates, Details tentative
This is a period when the sangha offers support for members to intensify commitment to practice in several ways. Details to come.
May ? Steering Committee Retreat
June 21-23 Integrative Retreat, Summer Solstice
Summer Series led by Geri Johnson
Sarah gone Aug and September
Sunday Aug 18th Ullambana one day retreat
Sept 30- Oct 5 Open Source Retreat at Bodhi Manda
November 2 Ancestor’s retreat (Ceremony for the beloved dead)
November 17 All Sangha Meeting
Dec 7? 1-day retreat for Bodhi Day
Dec 21 Saturday Winter Solstice Ceremony
Other TBD Summer Book or Article Study
TBD Movie Nights – please don’t hesitate to volunteer to lead one
TBD Full moon walk
And what else? Please don’t hesitate to propose events or ongoing activities.
Fall Koan series
OS Fall Koan Series Oct 9- Nov 13th
Practice Period